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What is a Tripod?

What is a tripod?

Bella C |

Tripods are the ultimate in photography and filmmaking equipment, literally creating quality from the bottom up. Tripods act as a foundation to create better pictures and videos.

What is a Tripod?A tripod is the perfect marriage of logistical support and storytelling. It's a stand with three legs that supports the camera. The camera is mounted to the tripod with the head which allows it to move on top of the tripod so it isn’t only stationary. A tripod is a helping hand to help take the camera's weight and make sure it only moves in the ways you want it to.

The Benefits of Using a Tripod


The heart of what a tripod is can be summed up as stable. They are designed to make moving the camera easier and steadier by taking some weight and responsibility off the operator. They connect the camera to the ground, supporting its weight and giving the filmmaker or photographer an easy way to eliminate shakes and unfocused images.

Sharper Images

Tripods help pictures come out much sharper because they eliminate small shaking. You can have a hand as steady as a surgeon’s but still experience incremental shakes that affect the sharpness of an image. The tripod steadies this by providing added support.


Different Types of Camera Tripods

Compact Tripods

The compact tripod (also called a mini tripod) is a smaller tripod that can be folded up to fit easily inside a backpack or bag. It’s slightly different from a lightweight travel tripod because it’s a sized-down version, like its little brother, ideal for close-up situations or spaces with little elbow room.

This tripod is great because it's simple and fast to set up and use. They're extremely small and light and have even been used as grips for cameras, extending your range of motion. These mini tripods are great for people looking for ultimate flexibility and stability.

Lightweight Travel Tripods

Travel tripods need to be lightweight so they don’t weigh down backpacks or luggage. These are made specifically with the traveling photographer in mind to create stability without adding another heavy thing to carry for travelers.

This tripod is different from a mini tripod because it's full-sized. Using lightweight metals that are still sturdy, they take some of the weight out of their frame without compromising the stability and support of tripods. Lightweight travel tripods make an excellent addition to a full backpack or bag, so you don’t have to do without added stability.

Versatile Tripod Systems

Versatile tripod systems are flexible tripods that allow for a wider range of movements and setups. They often come with pre-attached heads and different extensions for the tripod so you can work around the topography of your set to get the right shot.

Versatile tripod systems are perfect for photographers and filmmakers who need flexibility and ease of movement. These are great because you still get high stability without losing your ability to work around your setting.

Professional-Grade Tripods

Professional-grade tripods are the height of quality. They're built with the best materials to withstand any job's stress. Highly reliable, they're built by professionals for professionals, so they have ease of use built right in. This makes for an intuitive and fun user experience.

These are the ideal tripods for professionals who want high-quality results from their tripod.

Practical Tips for Selecting the Right Type of Camera Tripod

When selecting a tripod ensure you understand what you'll use it for. This is going to be the deciding factor for many of the features you'll be looking at such as weight, flexibility and tripod heads. Don't forget to consider the camera you'll be adding to it and whether you'll need special adapters to connect one to the other. Weight is also important to ensure you don’t get a tripod that’s too light to handle your camera.

When it comes to what a tripod is, it’s all about stability. You have a less fuzzy image and more flexibility to get the shot of your dreams. For more tips and tricks on getting more out of your photography, visit our website.


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